We are pleased to provide an exceptional opportunity for vendors at NAYC 2025. Vendor registration will open Monday, March 17, 2025, at 6:00pm CST. You will be able to pick the booth space(s) you would like, complete an information form, submit payment (full payment is due at time of registration). There will be a vetting process. You will be informed if your space is approved within three weeks of your registration. If your space is not approved, a full refund will be issued.

Each 10’x10’ space will include:

  • Two vendor badges (This badge will allow you to enter the Convention Halls early and you can sit anywhere within the stadium except VIP, MTM Reserved Seating, and Reserved Sections.)
  • Pipe and drape to define your space
  • One basic power drop.

You will be able to purchase extra power (5 or 20 amp), tables, chairs, and carpet at the time you register for the space.

Pricing is as follows:

  • The first 10’x10’ space is $1,600
  • Second 10’x10’ space is $1,400
  • Each additional space is $1,200

To confirm, you are able to purchase multiple spaces. Details on orientation, move in/out, and other details will be given at a later date.

Vendor FAQs

Can I have a Vendor Booth at NAYC?

Apostolic entrepreneurs and vendors are welcome to showcase their products and services to thousands of attendees. For more information, visit the “Vendors” page on the website. 

Am I allowed to have a food/drink truck or booth?

Any booth or food truck wishing to sell food or drinks must have a commissary kitchen licensed in Marion County in Indiana and must register as a vendor with the Indianapolis Convention Center’s food and beverage provider, Sodexo Live. For more information, please email [email protected].